What is Charly Boy Discussing With Madam Patience Jonathan?
Take a look at these pictures: Its Charles Oputa a.k.a Charly Boy and Madam Patience Jonathan, the wife of the president of Nigeria.
Charles Oputa actually captioned the picture: "Madam U still dey Marketooo”.
Onye of Nigeria FM, describes the picture and caption, in his words: "obviously, he (Charly Boy)
is the only one on planet earth, apart from GEJ that could look
Nigerian’s iron first lady straight into the eyes, without getting a
visit from the SSS and Kill $ go soldiers; in the middle of the night".
In your own opinion, what do you think the "First Lady" is discussing with Charly Boy... Do you think "First Lady" is still in market as Charly Boy said, or is he just dissing the woman?
Lets have your view!!!
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