ISIS Fighters Terrified Of Being Killed By Female Troops
Category: Terrorism News

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WASHINGTON — Kurdish fighters battling ISIS
desperately want more guns and armor, but they already have a secret
weapon: The fanatics they’re fighting fear that if they get killed in
combat by a woman, they won’t go to heaven. “They have many female
battalions, as you know who fought very bravely,” Rep. Ed Royce (R-
Calif.), who chairs the House International Relations Committee, told
The Post of the Kurds.
Royce, who met this week with the foreign minister of Kurdistan, cited recent reports of young female Kurdish troops “laughing” at ISIS forces they had turned back.
ISIL soldiers apparently believed that if they were killed in battle,
they went to paradise as long as they were killed by a man,” Royce
explained, using another acronym for the terror group.
“And these
female soldiers were communicating their satisfaction with the fact that
they had taken the fight to ISIL and had stopped the advance,
turned back the advance — slayed a number of these fighters, who would then run away,” he added with a chuckle.
Women have long fought in Kurdish peshmerga forces, who have been battling ISIS in northern Iraq and in Kurdish areas of Syria.
27-year-old female Kurdish fighter named Tekoshin fighting in northern
Iraq recently gloated to AFP: “I think [ISIS] were more afraid of us
than of the men.” The Kalashnikov-toting fighter added:
“They believe
they’ll go to hell if they die at a woman’s hands.”Some women who have
fled the brutal oppression of ISIS have been organized into special
Women’s Protection Units in Syria to do battle.
Hend Hasen Ahmed, a
26-year-old female fighter in Syria’s Kurdish region, told Britain’s
Telegraph during the ISIS siege of Mt. Sinjar: “We are being trained to
use snipers, Kalashnikovs, rocket-
propelled grenades and hand
grenades … For myself and for my people, I will go to [Mount] Sinjar to
either die or live there freely.”
Radical imams have invoked interpretations of Koran
passages to recruit jihadists, promising them a trip to paradise and 72
brown-eyed virgins if they die in battle or in what’s considered a
martyrdom operation.
Seeing a woman staring at them down the barrel of a machine gun apparently isn’t what they had in
mind. Some women joined resistance units after ISIS brutes slaughtered neighbors and relatives and forced them to flee their homes.
But now, the fighters — and Kurdistan’s government — are pleading for more help, as the US ramps up aid to the Free Syrian Army and other forces.
said the Kurdish regional foreign minister, Falah Mustafa Bakir,
contacted him three weeks ago to complain that 190,000 Kurdish troops
still don’t have the anti-tank missiles and long-range mortars that they
need to defeat ISIS.
“The point the foreign minister was making to
us is that his battalions — male and female — need to be equipped to
handle the armor and the artillery” that ISIS has captured, said Royce.
By Geoff Earle
Kurdish female Peshmerga fighters take
part in a military exercise at a base near
Sulaimaniya in northern Iraq.
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