Ladies, Would You Submit Your Paychecks To Your Husbands?

John and Ruth have been happily married for about five years. Things had been quite okay with the couple until John discovered how much Ruth earns. 

The day he discovered the payslip, he brought it before his wife and confronted her!

"So you earn this much, eh?"

"What if I earn this much?" Ruth.

The husband was quiet for a while then he said: 

"Henceforth, you must bring your paycheck home to me as your husband. I am the head of this home and must take charge in everything including your finances. I will determine how best we spend our resources".

Ruth was adamant in her refusal and this was the beginning of crisis in a relationship that had blossomed. As it is at the moment, the marriage is set to break up any moment.

As a woman would you faithfully submit your salary to your husband to determine how you spend it? And as a man, would you demand your wife submits her salary to you? 

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