I Was Born Through Incest - HarrySong Reveals

" It’s just that after my dad and my mum gave birth to me, they separated
and went their different ways. So, my father got married to another woman
and also my mother to another man. They separated because I was given birth
to by two relations. My father and mother are actually brother and sister.
They gave birth to me before they could realize that.Well, I learnt that
when my mother was alive, she met my father. Then she was still in school
and they were in the same class and the same village. But she didn’t know
that they are closely related. So, I was born based on what our villagers
regarded as abomination and therefore they had to separate. Because it was a
big abomination, so they had to separate. Even, they attempted to kill my
father in that village, but he fled, because in Warri where I come from, it
is a taboo. They termed it incest."
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