Mysterious Lake in Enugu; How It All Started
A mystery lake that materialized a few weeks ago in a community in Enugu State
South East Nigeria has been turned into a Mecca of sort by miracle seekers. The
lake is believed by many to have healing powers.
Ironically all the people spoken to looked forward to a miracle after bathing
in the water and cared less about how dirty it is.
It is because of this belief that everything around the lake is now taken as
a healing object. Trees standing before the lake formed and took over the area
have been felled and cut to pieces by miracle seekers who believe that they
have the capacity to heal.
The experience I am having here now, I have never experienced it, and it is
wonderful. I am also partaking in the miracle also in my business.
This man was one of the early callers at the Nanchi lake when the news first
broke and he still visits the place with his family.
But our fear is that there could be an outbreak of contagious diseases in the
homes of many of these miracle seekers soon. We say this because of the
diseases we saw wash in the same lake by many people bathing and also drink.
According to a TVC report:
This is the famous Nanchi Lake that has been attracting thousands of miracle
seeking people daily since it materialized on November 11, 2013.
The vehicles that bring people daily from far and near to the lake are usually
in hundreds.
Funny enough the lake is not like many other lakes you must have seen, it is
thoroughly dirty and the smell stinks. However this does not deter people who
visit it daily with one health challenge or the other from diving into it.
Even some in critical conditions who cannot enter the lake on their own get
assisted by their relations to dip their full bodies in it.

“This is my mom, so she’s sick and have a lot of challenges as a woman” A
young man at the Lake said, “I believe that after bathing in this water she
will receive her miracle. We came all the way from Abakaliki”
“I see someone who came here, a lame man, after entering the water he became
okay” another witness a woman said, “Even before I came here I believe when I
get here everything will be okay”
An elderly woman said: “I saw one man with my own very eyes, healed of
blindness. I saw another person who had sore on his leg; a spider came out of
the leg after he bathed in the water”

The surroundings of the lake are
currently dotted by holes dug by people scooping good water to drink and take
home for healing and other miracles.
Expectedly every business in Nanchi is booming. From photographers to people
rendering transport services to grilled meat (suya) sellers, are all smiling
home with thousands of naira every day.
“I am a commercial cyclist, God is my witness, it has been a big deal since
the day I started. Ask every other cyclist here, nobody will deny the fact
that they are making between N6000 to N10,000 daily. The least you can make as
a cyclist is N4000 to N5000 daily.
“If it doesn’t get dry, that means we will be making money. I pray this river
does not dry up” a cyclist said.

A Suya seller said, “I have made sales of about N20,000 today, yesterday
N15,000 and the day before N10,000. I make an average of N3000 to N4000
ordinarily before now.
But how did this lake suddenly come into existence? Who told Nigerians that it
has healing powers? Are there evidences or people that have been healed by the
lake? Or is this another trick being played on gullible Nigerians ruled and
battered by poverty and diseases occasioned by bad leadership and lack of
functional health care delivery system?

“It started on the 11th of November, the Fulani herdsmen who were
carrying cattle, they passed through a dry land and while coming back around
6:30 in the evening, they heard a sound behind them like an explosion and they
went there to investigate the source of the noise only to see water springing
up as if a water pipe busted. The water kept springing out and the Fulani man
called one of their brothers to inform him about the water.
“The brother told him to bring from the water that it was the water prophesied
about in Mecca, so the Fulani man took the water and sent to their brother who
had been blind for fifteen years, after taking the water and bathed with it,
he started seeing.
“So through that man the news spread”
He said the crutches left behind by crippled men and women healed after
bathing in the lake constitute every evidence that it has healing powers. His
belief and that of many others means that Nanchi mysterious lake will continue
to play host to many people desperate for life changing miracles in the coming

Even though this pool is not of Bethsaida like so many of us have read in the
bible, many miracle seekers who believe in what the water can do for them have
turned the pool into a pilgrimage of some sorts. But for the period I have
been here I did not witness any miracle, so many who were assisted into the
water were also assisted out by their relations, thus leaving me wondering
whether its their faith that did not see them through!
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